NAME WebService::Bukget - Provides access to the v3 Bukget API VERSION version 1.00 SYNOPSIS use WebService::Bukget; my $bukget = WebService::Bukget->new(); my $authors = $bukget->authors; NAME WebService::Bukget - A module that allows easy access to the Bukget API CALLING CONVENTIONS All methods used to access Bukget endpoints expect you to pass at the very least a hashref with the following keys: * on_success - A coderef that gets the WebService::Bukget instance and the decoded JSON result as parameters * on_failure - A coderef that gets an arrayref of code and status as parameters Optionally you can pass another key called "params" which should be a hashref of parameters to pass to the get request. See the examples below for more information, and also see the API documentation at <> METHODS geninfo Maps to the "geninfo" endpoint categories Maps to the "categories" endpoint plugins Maps to the "plugins" endpoint authors Maps to the "authors" endpoint EXAMPLES # Fetch the latest geninfo $bukget->geninfo({ on_success => sub { my ($b, $r) = (@_); print 'Last updated: ', $r->[0]->{timestamp}, "\n"; }, on_failure => sub { die 'oops, '; }, }); # Fetch the latest 5 geninfo entries $bukget->geninfo({ params => { size => 5 }, on_success => sub { my ($b, $r) = (@_); print 'Last updated: ', $_->{timestamp}, "\n" for(@$r); }, on_failure => sub { die 'oops, '; }, }); # Fetch the first page of plugins from the 'Admin Tools' category, # using 10 items per page, and only fetching the slug, logo and game version fields $bukget->categories('Admin Tools' => { params => { size => 10, start => 0, fields => [qw/slug logo versions.game_version/], }, on_success => sub { my ($b, $r) = (@_); ... }, on_failure => sub { die 'oops, '; }, }); TO-DO$ * Clean up the code some since it's rather ugly * Add support for the search function in the Bukget API AUTHOR Ben van Staveren, "<madcat at>" BUGS/CONTRIBUTING Please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at <>. You can fork my Git repository at <> if you want to make changes or supply me with patches. LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2012 Ben van Staveren. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information. AUTHOR Ben van Staveren <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Ben van Staveren. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.